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Impressions From a Hotel Buffet

The elevator dingsI walk out the doors only find myself somehow part of a line of people cueing up in front of the doors of the dining hall.The comparison is gobsmacking, outside the sun is high and shining bright, inside, the reflective glow of white flesh is equally blinding. Through the glass I can see…

Beach Holiday Capsule

Summer is well underway and I’m certain many of us have wonderful holiday plans to visit crystal clear beaches in order to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation and soak up the sun. Whether you are proponent of minimalism and capsule wardrobes or not, there is value in making a little capsule for a trip. Firstly a…

How to Dress for a Date That’s Not a Date?

I’m quite certain that this scenario has happened to most of us at least once; being invited somewhere, or meeting someone when you’re not sure if you were asked in a friendly manner or in an “I’m kinda interested in you” manner. So what does one do? We still wants to look rather cute and…

How to Look Stylish: Tips

Hello, it’s been a while. I realize that the title seems pompous, what I mean to share are a few tips and tricks I have collected over the years that I think make you immediately look stylish. These are tiny adjustments that really take no time but can have a huge effect on your overall…

2023 Wardrobe Goals

Firstly, why is it important to have wardrobe goals or some sort of plan? Well in truth it isn’t in absolute terms, but if like me, you enjoy fashion, style and wardrobe curation this can be a really fun exercise to do at the beginning of the year or of each season. It can help…

Taking Stock

Hello everyone, it’s been a while I know, but what can I say, sometimes life gets in the way of hobbies. I know we are well into the new year but nevertheless it is a good time to take stock and reflect. As after every new year commences we are filled with hope, goals and…

Brief Reflection on French Cinema

Let me say, I am no expert on anything. I am simply a person who truly enjoys the cinema, and who tries to consume it critically. Recently I have been enamored by french films. I believe that they are of a striking beauty and simplicity, one that I struggle to find elsewhere. I love the…

How to Look Stylish

Hello, it’s been a while. I realize that the title seems pompous, what I mean to share are a few tips and tricks I have collected over the years that I think make you immediately look stylish. These are tiny adjustments that really take no time but can have a huge effect on your overall…

Living Near the Sea

Hello friends, I have recently moved to a sea city and here is what I think about it. I don’t know about you guys but I have always loved the water, the sight, smell, sound and feel of it. So when the chance arose to live my the sea I took it. I know no…

Things I Don’t Buy Anymore

Catchy title right? Let me specify, when I say these are things I don’t buy anymore it doesn’t mean that I don’t find value in them or will never purchase them again. It simply means that at this point in my life, these are things that don’t really make sense for me, so I’ve classified…


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